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[Important Notice] Career Source Tampa Bay Training Grant Funding Cap

Updated: Apr 6, 2022

Effective March 1st, the CareerSource Individual Training Account (ITA) cap will change to a $10,000 lifetime limit for participant training services under WIOA, WTP and all grants.

Program Changes

The ITA cap also known as the Individual Training Account governs the level of training assistance that a participant may request and receive when deemed eligible for funding and suitable for CSTB training services. Currently, the ITA cap for CareerSource Tampa Bay was $15,000 lifetime cap per individual.

The ITA change is effective on March 1st regardless of application or eligibility date and governs new budgets moving forward. If the participant already established a $15,000 budget for PY2021-2022 prior to March 1st change, then the established budget will govern the remainder of this program year. Any budget not established as of March 1st will fall subject to the $10,000 revised ITA Cap.

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